Friday, June 8, 2018

A Bold Awakening Website

A Bold Awakening

Akitu Festival 6759 (2009)

  • Akitu Festival 6759 (2009) Part 1
  • 10th Annual Assyrian Flag Raising Ceremony Celebrating Assyrian New Year 6759

    Akitu Festival 6759 (2009) Part 2

    Akitu Festival 6759 (2009) Part 3

The City of Nineveh - Nineveh the Great (Grand Nineveh)

The City of Nineveh - Nineveh the Great (Grand Nineveh)

This is where it all started 6000 BCE, the future Assyrian Empire

(Wiki) Nineveh, the oldest and most-populous city of the ancient Assyrian empire, situated on the east bank of the Tigris River and encircled by the modern city of Mosul, Iraq.

Nineveh (Mosul, Iraq) of the oldest greatest cities in antiquity. As old as 6000 BCE. This is where temple of Ishtar was build. The city kept growing in size, and population.

Temple of God-Ashur (Aramaic - Assur-Eil) was built in around 4500 BCE, thus this was the beginning of Assyrian history, as the empire was built later on.

Assyrian King Sargon I "Sargon the Great" 
King Sargon I was the 1st king of "New" Assyrian Empire, creating Assyrian Empire.

Nineveh soon grew to become the "Great City of Nineveh" also called "GRAND NINEVEH" in Assyrian language, and City of Dur Sharrukin, City of Calah and the City of Assur (Ashur) made up the Grand Nineveh.

Assyrian Empire, was one of the most beautiful cities in the Near East, with its gardens, temples, and splendid palaces. 

AIM - Assyrian Information Media
Written By: Sarkis Benjamin 
Studies and Teachings of: Daniel Benjamin 
Assyrian Books in Assyrian Language
"Assyrian History" and "Who Am I"

Ancient Map of Nineveh

City of Nineveh Capital of Assyria

Hanging Garden of Babylon (Ninevites built it for the king of Babylon)

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Church of the East - "Assyrian was added later" History

Assyrians are Christians. They belong to three main Assyrian churches: 
1) The Assyrian Church of the East ("Nestorian"), established in 33 A.D. by Theodos, Thomas, and Bartholomew; 
2) the Syriac Orthodox Church ("Jacobite"), established in 450 A.D.; 
3) the Chaldean Church of Babylon (Roman Catholic), established in 1552 A.D.

Assyrians of today belong to three major churches: the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East ("Nestorian"), The Assyrian Orthodox Church ("Jacobite") and the Chaldean Church of Babylon ("Chaldeans", who are Roman catholic uniates). Precise numbers are difficult to estimate, but there are about 800,000 members in the Church of the East, 1,500,000 members in the Chaldean Church, and about 900,000 members in the Assyrian Orthodox Church.

The Assyrian Church of the East (hence forth ACE), whose official name is the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, was established in 33 A.D. by the apostles Thomas (Toma in Assyrian), Theodos (Addai in Assyrian), and Bartholomew (Bar Tulmay in Assyrian). The first Patriarch of ACE was Addai, although Thomas and Bartholomew are also officially listed as the first Patriarchs (see Table of Apostolic Succession below).
ACE spread from the Assyrian city Arbela (in North Iraq; Arbela means "Four Gods" in Assyrian) to the surrounding areas of Persia, Syria, and Iraq, and later became centered in Seleucia-Ctesiphon (just south of Baghdad). Through an incredible missionary enterprise, ACE became the largest Church in the world by the 12th century, extending from Syria to China, Korea, Japan, and the Phillipines. ACE was overwhelmed by the Mongol Timurlane and after the thirteenth century could never recover its past glory. It was reduced to a small church in the Assyrian heartland in North Iraq.
The significant achievements of ACE include the first University in the world (Nisibis), and the incredible translation movement of its clergy and laity, which saw the translation of all the major Greek works of science, philosophy and religion into Assyrian (then into Arabic), and which produced original Assyrian thinkers who wrote extensively and diversely in various fields.


History of Christianity

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The history of Christianity concerns the Christian religionChristendom, and the Church with its various denominations, from the 1st century to the present.
Christianity emerged in the Levant in the mid-1st century AD. Christianity spread initially from Jerusalem throughout the Near East, into places such as AramAssyriaMesopotamiaPhoeniciaAsia MinorJordan andEgypt. In the 4th century it was successively adopted as the state religion by Armenia in 301, Georgia in 319,[1][2] the Aksumite Empire in 325,[3][4] and the Roman Empire in 380. After the Council of Ephesus in 431 theNestorian Schism created the Church of the East. The Council of Chalcedon in 451 further divided Christianity into Oriental Orthodoxy and Chalcedonian ChristianityChalcedonian Christianity divided into the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church in the Great Schism of 1054. The Protestant Reformation which began in the 1500s created new Christian communities that separated from the Roman Catholic Church and have evolved into many different denominations.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Assyrian Festival 6760 Sunday March 21, 2010 - 2:00PM
Assyrians in the Bay Area will be celebrating 11th Annual Assyrian Flag Raising 2010 Akitu Festival 6760 also known as KHA B' Neesan

Assyrian Flag has been raised officially for the 1st time in the history of Assyria in 1999. Founded in 1999 by Daniel Benjamin and Assyrian National Council MOTWA and His Honorable Supervisor Pete McHugh Santa Clara County. After ANC, "Assyria" Cradle of Civilization org. kept this event and assured it success for the last 10 years

Come and Join Us for another wonderfull Assyrian Festival, Celebrating our rich herritage and History,

Friday, July 17, 2009

Assyrian Nusardil Festival 2009

Mar Yosip Parish Nusardil Celebration
July 25th Vasona Park in Los Gatos
333 Blossom Hill Rd., Los Gatos
info 408- 839-6129